VEX Over Under Game Manual: A Complete Guide

Designed to test participants in robotics design, strategy, and programming, VEX Over Under is the newest edition to the VEX Robotics Competition series. Combining components of engineering and cooperation, the game challenges students to reach their creative and problem-solving potential. From field layout to scoring techniques, this tutorial will thoroughly explore the game manual forvex over under game manual so you have all the necessary knowledge to become a master player. 

What is the VEX Robotics Competition?

vex over under game manual

Engaging thousands of middle school through college students, the VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is an international robotics tournament. By means of designing, constructing, and programming robots, participants acquire fundamental STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) abilities. 

History of VEX Robotics

VEX Robotics was founded to give students chances to get practical knowledge in the field of robotics. The VRC has developed to incorporate several game kinds since its founding, each with particular rules and obstacles. The newest game in this lengthy history of invention and rivalry is Over Under. 

Evolution of the Over Under Game

Over Under carries on the dynamic, multifarious game pattern in the VEX series. It tests robot design and tactics while teams transport objects between specified areas. The development of the game mirrors developments in robot programming and design. 

Overview of the Over Under Game

Vex over under game manual has a dynamic field arrangement with several game components teams have to control to score points. Developing a winning plan requires a knowledge of the fundamental game architecture. 

Basic Game Setup

Played on a 12×12 foot square field, the game features several things for which robots have to interact. Teams use moving game items into designated zones and manipulation to maximize points scored.

Field Specifications

Key places abound in the field: robot beginning zones, scoring zones, and obstacles to be negotiated during games. Every zone presents unique challenges and scoring rules. 

Game Objectives

Primary Goal of the Game

Over Under’s primary objective is to move game objects—such as balls or cubes—over hurdles and into assigned areas on the field. Teams get points depending on their performance on a certain assignment within the allocated time span. 

Scoring Elements in Over Under

Successful object movement across the barrier into the proper zones earns points. Extra points could be given for particular criteria, such the quantity of objects transported or the robot’s capacity for autonomous completion of particular tasks. 

Understanding the Field Layout

The layout of the Over Under field is critical to understanding gameplay.

Key Field Zones

The field comprises starting zones, scoring zones, and barriers. Robots have to negotiate these obstacles either across or above them to earn points. Every zone has its own scoring guidelines. 

Robot Starting Positions

Robots begin in pre-designated locations on the field; so, the strategy usually relies on how successfully a team can coordinate the movements of their robot from these beginning sites. 

Robot Specifications for Over Under

To ensure fairness, all robots must adhere to strict design guidelines.

Size Limits

Robots must not exceed a specific size before the match starts. After the game begins, robots can expand but must remain within the field’s boundaries.

Weight Constraints

There are also weight limits on the robots, meaning teams need to carefully balance power with weight.

Programming Requirements

Usually, VEX’s own programming languages or systems guide robot programming. Teams must make sure their robot can react to driver commands and operate independently for part of the competition. 

Game Scoring System

Points for Object Placement

Teams’ ability to transfer game objects across the borders and into the proper zones determines points. An object earns more points the farther it is carried. 

Bonus Scoring Opportunities

Bonus points can be earned by achieving special tasks during the game, such as moving a high number of objects in a short time or performing a specific maneuver with the robot.

Gameplay Rules and Regulations

Game Start and End Conditions

The game starts and ends with a timer. Teams must complete their tasks within the set time to score as many points as possible.

Scoring Zone Definitions

Each zone has specific rules for scoring. Teams must be familiar with these definitions to maximize their point tally.

Autonomous Mode in Over Under

What is Autonomous Mode?

Robots at this phase of the game run simply on pre-programmed directions. There is no human intervention allowed, hence programming becomes absolutely vital for the strategy of any team. 

Strategies for Autonomous Gameplay

Teams often practice different autonomous routines to score points without driver input. Autonomous performance can give teams a significant early-game advantage.

Driver-Controlled Mode

Driver Strategies and Tips

Once autonomous mode ends, teams switch to driver-controlled mode. In this phase, communication and coordination between drivers and coaches are vital.

Communication Between Team Members

Clear communication can make or break a team’s strategy, especially in high-pressure moments during the match.

Penalties and Infractions

Common Penalties in Over Under

Penalties are usually awarded for rule violations such as entering restricted zones or damaging the field or other robots.

How to Avoid Penalties

Teams need to understand the game manual thoroughly to avoid unnecessary penalties and infractions.

Strategies for Winning Over Under

Offensive Strategies

Focusing on scoring objects efficiently and effectively is a strong offensive strategy.

Defensive Techniques

Teams can also block opponents or create obstacles to hinder their progress, providing a valuable defensive advantage.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

Role of the Driver

Throughout the driver-activated part of the game, the driver controls the robot. One must be precisely and fast thinker. 

Role of the Programmer

Making sure the robot runs effectively in the autonomous phase falls on the programmer. 

Role of the Coach

The coach helps to develop overall strategy and guide the team during the match.

Preparing for a VEX Over Under Tournament

Pre-Match Preparations

Teams should ensure their robot is in top working condition and that all programming is tested before the tournament.

On-the-Day Checklist

A checklist might include fully charged batteries, backup parts, and necessary tools for quick repairs.


Fast-paced, thrilling competition testing robotics design, programming, and collaboration is VEX Over Under. Success depends on one knowing the rules and the scoring system. Teams that use tactics and coordinate well will shine in this demanding game. 


  1. What is the primary objective of VEX Over Under?
    • The main goal is to transport objects over barriers and into scoring zones.
  2. How are points scored in VEX Over Under?
    • Points are scored by successfully placing objects in the designated zones, with bonuses for specific tasks.
  3. What is the role of the autonomous mode in the game?
    • Autonomous mode is where the robot operates without human control, and teams program the robot to score points on its own.
  4. What penalties exist in Over Under?
    • Penalties are awarded for rule violations such as entering restricted zones or damaging the field.
  5. What are some strategies for winning in Over Under?
    • Successful teams use both offensive and defensive strategies, along with efficient robot design and programming.

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